Indian Stainless Steel Development Association (ISSDA) is a not for profit organization, registered under section 8 of Companies act, 2013, committed to the growth and development of stainless steel industry in India. Founded in 1989 by leading stainless steel producers, it was formed with the explicit objective of diversifying the applications of stainless steel in India and increasing usage volumes in the country. At the point of formation of ISSDA, the main visible application of Stainless Steel was essentially household kitchenware, which has now diversified significantly. ISSDA currently has a membership base of over 150 companies engaged in the production and processing of stainless steel.
As a result of sustained efforts India has now emerged as fastest growing market for stainless steel in the world. India is also the fastest growing stainless steel market in the world. At the same time, The production and consumption of stainless steel has grown many times from just 0.5MMT in 1994-95 to about 4 MMT in 2021-22.

Through the focused efforts of ISSDA and its member companies, the widespread and visible use of stainless steel in different walks of life is all too evident, especially in the Automotive, Railway and Transportation (ART), Architecture, Building & Construction (ABC) and Chemical & food processing sectors. All-stainless steel railway coaches, Delhi Metro coaches, wagons for carrying coal & minerals, airports, corporate buildings, retail shops & shopping malls, the ever-wider use by the hospitality industry, bus shelters, railway platform roofs, building hardware - you name it and stainless steel is making its presence felt everywhere. It has become the most aspired material of choice for thousands of small and big items in households and industrial applications. With the economy growing faster, there is increasing demand for a wider range of products and services for stainless steel in diverse sectors.
A change of perception about this material being cost effective and its robust market growth of stainless steel has been made possible through unrelenting creation of awareness about the benefits of stainless steel amongst engineers, architects, designers, railway men and a host of professionals responsible for specification of materials of construction and at the same time providing help to fabricators to fabricate and finish stainless steels in technically correct manner. At the same time ISSDA has taken lead to develop Indian Standards for various stainless steel products to develop a healthy market in India.
We firmly believe that in the ABC infrastructure and ART sectors, we have only initiated the curiosity for stainless steel. Much bigger volumes are on their way and we as an industry, must prepare for this. Newer sectors like household plumbing in thin-walled stainless steel and the water industry as a whole (potable water treatment, waste water treatment plants, large-dia pipes for carrying water), reinforcement bar for concrete, furniture and public art, Ethanol blending of petrol, renewable energy, bus bodies etc, are just waiting to reach their full potential for stainless steel usage.
The technical strength of ISSDA is derived from its close association with the NICKEL INSTITUTE (NI, ww.nickelinstitute.org), the International Stainless Steel Forum and close collaboration with more than 20 national stainless steel development associations (SSDAs) around the world.